Cast of characters

Gave up work to become a full time mature student on a four year undergraduate degree leading to a Master of Nutrition qualification, which enabled her to become a Registered Dietitian. Blogged about the journey on Student Lola Life and the working life on Dietitian Lola Life before stopping all that. Keen on Buddhism, reading, badminton and films that aren't too depressing. Author of the majority of the Lolatastic! posts: me, me, me, it's all about me.

Lola II:
My Little Sister (although she claims to be taller). Jolly good fun and makes me laugh a lot, source of any number of 'Great Ideas' that generally involve Messing About or giving someone a lovely surprise. Keen on playing the flute, catch-phrases, camping, Mr M (see below). Lives in London, does volunteering for at least two good causes. Occasional and very welcome contributor to the Lola Life blog.

Mr M:
Lola II's co-conspirator, used to run a private hotline advice service (PiTFL) in competition with the Lola-owned Giraffe-led service (don't ask). Still has a proper job and lives with Lola II in London; contributor of very high quality but mostly uncredited photographs and movies to the Lola Life blog. Likes: ice cream, gardening, giving new names to household items, Lola II.

Mum and dad:
Sponsors and biggest supporters of the blog and of Lola Life in general. Like: terrible jokes (dad), and biros that have almost run out of ink (mum). However, we have lost the fan of terrible jokes - dad died on 7 July 2024.

Royal Leamington Spa:
Brilliant town where I live. I love Leamington Spa.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure PiTFL is still operational.
