Monday, 3 March 2025

A very ordinary week

Round dovecote in countryside
Dovecote, Kyre Hall Park, October 2024
There's been nothing special to report for the whole week, in which I did all the things that I regularly do, and a few optional extras, and it was all fine.

  • the weekly shop
  • the U3A board games group
  • a candlelit vigil in town to commemorate three years of the war in Ukraine
  • Monday evening badminton
  • a GRUHI trip to the tip and to Action 21 with all the electrical junk
  • watched a film at home
  • Tuesday evening Buddhists
  • visit to mum
  • a session with Muscles (my personal trainer)
  • a bonus massage (because I'm worth it)
  • Thursday evening badminton
  • the U3A ramble
  • a Buddhist team meeting via Zoom
  • the Repair CafĂ© LETS trading table to try and get rid of more stuff (nobody wanted anything)
  • my music group (I have been given a big solo this term)
  • watched another film at home
  • did nearly all the necessary routine admin
  • a film at the cinema to end the week.
I do try to find interesting content for this blog, but there really isn't any this week. I'm looking forward to warmer weather - I find February the cruellest month. Daffodils are appearing in the garden and the paving is invisible under its blanket of weeds. So, much the same as every year.