Sunday, 17 December 2023

Just like old times

Pink-purple spiky flowers
Kew Gardens, October 2022
It's been a week like it was in the old days, when I optimistically used to fill my diary on the basis that I don't have to go to work so I must have lots of time, and then I find that I don't. All the things I've done have been fun or helpful or both, but I need to remember to keep some days free of commitments because I was too tired for badminton and that will not do.

Since the last post I've played in a badminton match, went for a walk with the U3A, and did some work for Mr MXF which consisted of chatting to a young man in the television department of Currys to find out what his knowledge and experience is of HDR, one of the standards used in media and TV. Then with a clear conscience I journeyed south for the Mr MXF Christmas party, which involved playing board games, receiving party bags containing chocolate and toys, dinner, speeches (short ones), Secret Santa, and then back to the MXF/BL2 house to watch Barbie on his new super-TV and sound system.

On my way back north I dropped in on Lola II and Mr M for lunch and a film, next day I went for a dog walk with a friend, board games with U3A, gave blood, fitted in a meeting for coffee with my friend from Brazil who has come home to try and sort out some financial stuff, drove to mum and dad for lunch and admin (ongoing communication with Thames Water in particular) and home in time for a Blues gig at my favourite Temperance bar.

Next day I met Lola II in Oxford, a bit later than planned because she had an senior moment which led to her finding herself at Heathrow airport by mistake. But we had a lovely lunch in a friendly pub and went to the Weston Library again - they have really interesting exhibitions, this time about Chaucer, the Alphabet and John Playford ('The Dancing Master').

Then I was back with the U3A walkers before being visited by Sister D and her husband, who treated me to a poinsettia and a curry and I treated them to an episode of Taskmaster (an old episode) and a bed for the night. They carried on to their destination while I had my Christmas concert. Due to the absence of a few key players I ended up sight reading the 4th clarinet parts which had a few unexpected solos, but I managed not to let the side down.

UJ returned from her trip to Kyiv two weeks ago, but Saturday was the first evening that we were both at home, so we caught up with a couple of the latest Taskmaster episodes. She's off again in about a week and I'm not sure we'll have any other evenings together before she goes. Then there was a coffee morning social with the Buddhists on Sunday morning, two Buddhist-related Zoom meetings as well as the usual Tuesday evening meetings. Thankfully, next week is due to be much quieter.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

How I spend my time nowadays

5 year-old's drawing of someone skipping with a rope
Self portrait with skipping rope, 1969
I've still got a collection of old school books, certificates and pictures that I drew when I was very young. I'm not sure how I feel about the dilemma of keeping vs throwing away, but while I can rest easy with getting rid of university notes, these documents are much more interesting. I spent a weekend working out which pictures I might frame, including repurposing frames I already had, ordering new ones for delivery (one of which arrived with the glass completely smashed but was replaced without quibble), and shopping in person. There's still more to do with all this, but I'll come back to it when I have another surge in interest.

It's been a while since I reduced my paid work to the dribble that I do for Mr MXF, and although my evenings and weekends are fully committed to the Buddhists, badminton and family, I have a fair amount of time during the day that I'd like to spend more usefully. So I joined the University of the Third Age (U3A)! So far I've joined a walking group and a board games group, and the people I've met so far are interesting and friendly and quite a lot older than me. We'll see how it goes.

Then I was invited to go back to Adhisthana, the retreat centre where I previously volunteered in the kitchen for a month. They were hosting a weekend for 150 people and thought they could do with a bit of extra support in the catering department. I had a great time again, especially as all meals were planned so that it was entirely coeliac friendly and there were only a handful of special dietary requirements to worry about.

Helping mum and dad recently has been heavy on the admin. Mum has engaged a new company that supplies carers, and they have sent a barrage of forms to be read and signed. The Home Improvement Team has taken the referral from the Occupational Therapist Team and sent a contractor to scope out work to convert the downstairs shower into a wet room, while we applied for an Independent Living Grant to cover the cost. They sent the wrong forms twice, but once I'd got the right forms and phoned the team to check how to fill them in, the grant was approved the same day that I submitted them.

There's always more news in the dental department. Having been given my sets of aligners on the basis that I would be having the 'slenderising' treatment that I declined, the aligners don't fit very well any more. When I pointed this out I was invited to an in-person appointment so they could have a look, and it's possible that the whole treatment will end before Christmas. In the meantime more 'buttons' have been glued to my teeth so that another elastic band can be used. It's been just over a year since I started the treatment and it will be lovely when it's all over, but I'm now starting to become just a little apprehensive about what the aftercare will be like.